Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Moving on West...

So I am making the move out West, I start at Sony ImageWorks in Late November! This will probably be the last post for a while until I am settled in Vancouver. These Rhinos are concepts for a story that my girlfriend and I are working on together, I'd love any type of feedback! Thanks

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Zoo Sketches

Some highlights from the Toronto Zoo, mostly pen, col-erase and pencil. I hope everyones doing well!

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

CTN & Old Linetest

Old Test from trent correy on Vimeo.

So, my pal Mario did this caricature of me, check out his work, it's super awesome...it's more less identical to me. Also, CTN is coming up in a month so remember this face and say hi if you see me.
This is an old linestest I did for an 11 second club, it never saw the light of day...spent about a week on these poses and some keys then got too busy with work and threw in the towell.

Leave me a note if you're going to CTN!

